Application Form

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The complete address: Street Papapetrou Gavala 99
Μesabelies Ηraklion City Crete

The name of the bank: Eurobank Ergasias A.E

The complete address: L. Knossou 96 - postal code: 71306  paypal 2014 logoS

Account no: 0026. 0168. 03. 0200366947

IBAN code: GR1802601680000030200366947


BIC code: Eurobank Ergasias S.A ERBKGRAA

 *Please, mention your full name in the transaction.

*Required information.
Course *
Your Name *
Date of Birth *
Email *
Contact No (country code) *
Country *
Educational Qualification *
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Occupation *


Injuries or disease (if any) *
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Prescribed Medications (if any) *
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Allergies,Nutrition Habits & food intolerances *
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Previous experience in yoga (years/styles) *
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Reasons for wanting to attend the course
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Please read our Personal Data Policy {personal-data-1}
Please read and accept our terms and conditions *


As an Instituton we have boundaries and criteria which are mapped with specific rules and regulations for all our programs. We kindly ask you to read and accept the bellow, as this will facilitate the smooth running of your selected program. 

1.Every student (participant)is requested to fulfil the registration formalities and submit the required information before the start of the course.

2.The booking for y.t.t.c programs is possible after your deposit of 600 euros. And for the 7 nights/8 days Yoga Retreats the deposit is 300 eur.

3.The balance has to be paid upon your arrival.

4.The payment should be in Euros.

5.Deposit is not refundable.

In case you can not participate in this retreat you can pass your deposit onto the following yoga retreat program or y.t.t.c.

6.The participants of Y.T.T.C should be in good physical and mental health. (Y.T.T.C only)

7.They should have previous experience in yoga practice and a testimonial from his/her yoga teacher.(Y.T.T.C only)

For the participants of the 300 hrs Y.T.T.C the certificate of the 200 hrs Y.T.T.C  is required.

8.Students who have any kind of injury or health problem before your booking we suggest to contact on line the main consultant of ''Breath of Life'' yoga Center. Please let us know your health history and your doctor's oppinion in order to give you the care and the treatment which is the best for you.

9.Students should be over 18 years old.

10.The course will run in both languages English and Greek.

11.Student should be willing to follow the rules of Yama ( social rules ) and Niyama (personal code and conducts), prescribed by Maharishi Pantajali (Y.T.T.C only)

12.Every student must follow the dress code of modest, simple and comfortable yoga clothing in the class, without excesses. (pls only comfortable loose  clothing proper for practice)

13.Every question which is asked by the students in the class must be related only to the course.

14.The female students are requested to inform when they have their monthly period, as it is better not to perform certain Yoga poses during this time, such as shoulder stand, Head stand, Viparitakarani and kapalabhati, Uddiyan bandha etc.

15.All students are instructed to come to the class at least 5 minutes before schedule timing.

16.All Teacher training students are requested not to join any other educational or hobby programs during their Y.T.Tcourse (Y.T.T.C only).

17.Every student is requested to strictly follow the diet & living rules as stated by the ''Breath of Life'' Yoga School.Also the use of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes is prohibited during the Y.T.T.C. This is for the well-being and better performance of the students.(Y.T.T.C only)

18.Please avoid to eat spicy, nonveg outside, as it doesn't help in this particular practice and process, during the time of the course. Students need to have only Sattvik food. (Y.T.T.C only).

19.All students have to follow the discipline and the rules of the Course. Any kind of misbehavior with other students or teachers, will be firmly assumed as breaking the code of conduct of the institution.(Y.T.T.C only).

20.The effectiveness of the course or progress of students is based on the physical and intellectual capability as well as the living standard of students in which they been living and adopting : hence the students have to be fully devoted and obey all the rules and disciplines of the yogic path.(Y.T.T.C only).

21.Any assistance which is needed by students will be given in any possible way

22.No extra activities are allowed in the class. For personal discussion and topics not related to the Yoga course the students will have free time out of the course.

23.The teacher training courses are taking place from a minimum participants of 8 to a maximum of 20 students.

24.''Breath of Life'' Yoga Center reserves the right to cancel the course at any time if the minmum number of participants is not reached or if any major occurrence out of our control takes place befor the start of the course. In this case either students can keep their deposit for our next confirmed course any amount paid by the student will be refunded in full.

Breath of Life Yoga Centre thanks you for your Co-operation in Following the above Rules and Regulations.


Yoga Breath Of Life

Our Centre has been running since 2006 as a non profit organization emphasises on physical and mental health, including Hatha Yoga Classes, Yoga Retreat Crete - Greece and Yoga Teacher Training Courses Crete - Greece.

Latest News

26 April 2021
26 April 2021
07 December 2015

Contact Us

Street Papapetrou Gavala 99
Μesabelies Ηraklion city Crete

+30 694712 2881

Our Location